May 18, 2013

On being a practice patient

Matt is in his final stretch to complete his first year of medical school.  To say that I'm proud of him is an understatement.  He's such a hard worker and so steady.

To help him prepare for his practical, I was tasked with being various practice patients.  He would hand me a piece of paper with my symptoms and then ask me a series of questions to determine a diagnosis.

I may be biased, but I think he's a natural at establishing doctor/patient rapport while maintaining professionalism.

Last week, I got to be a chain-smoking, retired construction worker with a peptic ulcer, a stressed-out Wall Street trader with a myocardial infarction, a teenager with nausea and pain upon urination, and a middle-aged woman with gallstones.

I enjoy getting into character (hacking coughing, accents, wincing pain).
me.  in character.

It's my acting outlet.

However now, acting aside, I have a legitimate sinus infection.  These bodies of ours...

1 comment:

  1. You are a great encouragement and support for Matt as you are on this journey together. Get better quick!
