April 14, 2014

He cares for the sparrow. He cares for me.

The other day when I was leaving church, I was talking to a new friend on our way to our cars.  Her name is Sally.  She's old enough to be my mother, but we connected as friends immediately.  Sally is one of the most edifying people to be around.  Her words are careful, and she exudes the joy of the Lord.

While we were talking, she discovered that me and Matt are moving to Orlando.

I had been wondering that week what our future there would look like, home-wise and job-wise for me.  It was a little early for details to come together, and I was growing curious.

Perhaps due to personality-type or birth order (youngest), I'm typically not one to wring my hands in worry about the future.  I've always figured, "Things will work out" and "I'll be taken care of." Loose plans are fine with me. Adventurous even.

However, this particular week I was wondering what those plans would actually look like and was feeling a little weary of home searches online and was already starting to miss our church in Kansas City where I have benefitted so much from the teaching and equipping.

It's amazing how wonder and curiosity can dip in and out of the realm of worry.

I was telling Sally, with a twinge of wonder and questioning in my voice, how I hoped we would find a Gospel-centered church quickly, that the Lord would lead us...

She listened and encouraged me of His goodness.  At that very moment, we looked down and saw, laying right there in the parking lot, a perfectly formed, dead little sparrow. 

I didn't take a picture, because I was in the moment and wasn't thinking about taking a picture.  But take my word for it.  It was the sweetest looking little sparrow laying on its side.

She said, "Aw, look! A sparrow!"

As soon as I saw it, I knew what the Lord was saying to me.  I felt such assurance, and my eyes watered a little.

The same verse came to both of our minds.

What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin?
But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.
And the very hairs on your head are all numbered.
So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.  ~Matthew 10:29-31

She gently said with a kind smile and a hand on my hand, "See, He cares for the sparrow. How much more does He care for you?  He will take care of you."

As she was talking, I heard Jesus's voice, "I knew when that sparrow fell.  I noticed it.  I notice you now in the parking lot talking to Sally.  I know your thoughts and concerns.  I'm making a way.  You can trust me."

And I drove home thinking about that sparrow and my all-seeing, caring Father.

1 comment:

  1. Wow moving to Orlando! A new adventure. I love this post Liane. God cares so much for his children no matter where we are.
