December 20, 2015

How a bloody toilet made me love Jesus more

She came over and cleaned my bloody toilet after I miscarried.

How do I repay that?

I could never write enough thank you notes to that friend who willingly and lovingly entered into my mess the way she did when I was not well.

I told her I didn't know how to repay her, and she told me of the time others entered into and cleaned up her mess...when she so sick from the chemo treatments...

At first I was embarrassed to be needy, but now I'm grateful for that experience.  It has acted to me as a blessed reminder that this was the state of my soul before Christ came.

This morning at church, we sang "O Holy Night" and I stood, hands raised, tears streaming down my cheeks, thinking of that holy night divine....when Jesus left heaven where things are perfect and whole to willingly come to this earth where things are fractured and enter into our mess.

Why would he do that???

"Because of My great love," He whispers to me.

He is so other.  So different than us.

We seek and strive for recognition and admiration.

He made himself nothing, a little baby who would grow up to willingly be well acquainted with suffering and bitterest grief.  God's son, equal in power and glory with his Father, riding on a lowly donkey.

Maybe that's the thing about Him that most baffles me, most humbles and amazes me...that he made himself low on our behalf.  He, a king, THE King, made himself nothing because of His love.

...but [He] emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name...
Phillippians 2:7-9

My heart bursts with joy at the thought of Jesus coming into our messed up world for us!

Thank you, Lord Jesus!


  1. Liane, I will never forget when you came and cleaned my house after my mom died. When I didn't have the strength to get out of bed, you came and took care of my mess. I'll always remember that day and my beautiful friend who gave me a gift I could not repay.


  2. This is a sweet and well written reminder of God's goodness and mercy. Thank you, Liane! You are awesome and very loved!
