December 18, 2012

Whew! 1st semester is DONE.

Matt made it to the end of his first semester of med school, and I couldn't be more proud of him!

I grabbed this picture of him on his way to class one morning (which he really appreciated and thanked me for profusely).

Dr. Handsome
Nutritious lunch packed by yours truly  -  check
Backpack o' books  -  check
Winning smile  -  check
Trusty hoodie  -  check
Sky blue scrubs  -  check
A brain that's about to explode from the amount of knowledge it's trying to contain from countless hours of studying about various body systems - double check

Go get em, Tiger!

I continue to be a practice patient as needed (a role, I have learned, that is shared by my fellow med school wife friends as well).  Here is Matt listening to my heart.  He says I may have a "split S1."  Doesn't sound comforting.
He's a natural.

It has been so neat to watch as the Lord has stretched Matt's endurance and capacity in med school.  Matt is now able to study for longer and with increased focus than he could a few months ago.  I wouldn't say he's having "fun" or that it's "easy", but we both agree that our God has been faithful to support him.  Together, we regularly ask the Lord to help Matt, to sustain him through the grueling hours of school and studying.  And...He has.  He has.

And here Matt is with some of his classmates at a recent Christmas party after taking their last final for the semester.  Can't you feel the clear relief (and slight awkwardness) that just oozes from this picture?

All glad to be finished with 1st semester of med school


  1. 1st semester done, check! That is so great, one less to go. You're endurance will pay off for the both of you. I thought brett would never ever be done, but alas, he finished his last class last week. There is hope and an end in sight!!

  2. Thanks, Jen. It does feel good to have this first semester behind us. And hats off to Brett, by the way! We're super proud of him!
