August 4, 2013

An afternoon of antiquing

Matt and I recently mozied down to the River Market Antique Store.  You can't miss it - it's the one with the giant mural of Lewis and Clark on the outside wall.

It's four floors of jam-packed antique/vintage/retro miscellany.  
Among the kitsch we found some definite conversation pieces and historically informative items. Here's a sampling of what we saw while ambling through.
1960's furniture

This rubber duck
Vintage cameras
Creepy doll parts 
 And to my right, a glass container of still more creepy doll parts

Looking for a bucket of antlers?  You're in luck!

Now, if only I could find an oversized frame holding a bunch of eyeglasses....
Oh, look!

Matt found this wooden sword wall-hanging decoration.  The perfect way to say, "Welcome to our home!"

And here he is with a found schythe doing his best "Grim Reaper."  Aside from the t-shirt, shorts, aviators, and collection of John Wayne photographs in the background, I'd say the two pictures are practically indistinguishable.  What do you think?

Here is John Wayne again, advertising a neat arrangement of boots and plaid shirts.
I imagined him looking down at me from that picture and saying, "Buy this pair, ya Texas brush popper." (a little True Grit reference for my dad)

It's a given that the hodgepodge in flea markets, thrift stores, and antique shops naturally creates unexpected displays.
Still, there was just something about this combination:
WWII practice shells, antique roller skates, and a ceramic lamb

 I was also lucky enough to find this coconut pirate.  My brother had one of these growing up.  But it was a coconut gorilla piggy bank.
 And who doesn't want a crocheted likeness of JFK?

Here is a wider view to give you the full effect of the display.

On another floor, I happened upon this list of Rules for Teachers purportedly from 1872.

This Jemima Puddle Duck print brought me back to my childhood.  I had a stuffed Jemima Puddle Duck just like the one in this picture, complete with blue bonnet and pink shawl. Under one of her wings, you could wind her up to play music.

Beatrix Potter is timeless.  Her work is full of rich language, classic themes, beautiful illustrations, and flawed but rescued characters.  It's just my opinion, but I highly doubt that Captain Underpants and Diary of a Wimpy Kid will last into the next century, like Beatrix's work has.

I was also reminded about a time many years ago when one of my student's parents (with a school-wide reputation of being hard-to-please) told me that she found The Tale of Peter Rabbit offensive and couldn't believe that I had read it to my class.  ???  I tried my best to listen and be diplomatic.  But I was dumbfounded.  My family said I should have responded, "Oh, because of all the drugs and sex scenes?"

But I digress.

Speaking of books, downstairs in the basement of the antique store is a huge selection of books.

We meandered a little more on our way out.

This caught my eye, and I snapped a (blurry) picture as a tribute to my home state of Georgia.  You can't grow up in Georgia and not have read or watched Gone with the Wind.
Rhett and Scarlett

Just when we thought we couldn't be more surprised by our findings, we ran into our next door neighbors Matt and Kelsie!  Coincidently, Kelsie goes to Matt's med school (she's a year ahead of him, so it's been nice to pick her brain about what's to come).  They were kind enough to water our plants and get our mail when we were out of town.  They are easy to get along with, love Jesus, and love the outdoors.  I like them very much.
Our next door neighbors, Matt and Kelsie.  They are fantastic.

That's our odd and interesting afternoon at the antique market!

School's about to start back up - I better get going on whittling all those pen nibs. :)

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