October 6, 2013

Happy 65th Birthday to my mom!

My mom, who I think looks considerably younger than she actually is, hits a milestone today. 65!

Happy birthday, Mom!

While nobody is perfect, and I know you will admit this about yourself, there are many things I love about you, Mom:

You are responsible and disciplined.  I bet you can count on one hand how many days of exercise you have missed in the last decade.  I, on the other hand, can count on one hand (or two) how many days I have missed just this week.  And you are never late?  How do you do that?

You are supportive and loyal.  People can count on you.

You aren't clingy and have always trusted God with me.  I really think this has made it easier for me to trust Him too.

You are remarkably germ-conscious.  Who knows how many sicknesses in our home were avoided by your diligence and regular reminders.  I don't know if everything you said was 100% accurate (like "A sneeze travels 200 feet in every direction."), but to this day, I still discreetly hold my breath for a few seconds when someone near me sneezes.  And I crack up when you (not so discreetly) pull the top of your shirt over your nose and mouth in the same situation.

You are fun-loving.  I love hearing your loud and joyful laugh and watching you dance at weddings and warmly mingle with, well, anybody.

You say funny things without knowing they are funny.  Am I right, Dad?  Matt?

You truly love the Lord and exemplify a childlike faith in Him.  I can always count on you to pray.

So Happy Birthday again, Mom.  I hope it's a sweet one.


  1. Thanks, everyone, for the sweet responses. Zoe, little did I know you moved things around in my pantry. Yes, I do like order. Wes, I remember that incident at Kailua High...Ahhhh...sweet (stinky) memories.

    1. Hey mom, don't feel bad but if someone commented on facebook, you have to respond to them on facebook. They probably won't see it here. Love you!

    2. Just like you probably won't see this response from me.

  2. I love this woman and am forever grateful for the season we were able to meet together...though too short! Happy Happy Birthday to your wonderful mom. xoxo
